About QuickBooks Maintenance Release Error 15215 QuickBooks Error 15215 can typically occur when the user faces trouble in downloading or updating their payrolls. Additionally, it can also occur when the payroll application has launched a new maintenance release and the users are trying to download the release. Further, this error will not let the user download their payrolls and restricts access to the server. What are the Causes of the QuickBooks Maintenance Release Error 15215? The following are the causes of the QuickBooks maintenance release error 15215: It might be possible that the installation of the QuickBooks application is improper. Any kind of malware or virus might have affected the QuickBooks application server that leads to this error. There is a similar error called QuickBooks Update Error 15270 that can cause this maintenance release error. The QuickBooks files might be removed or deleted due to faulty activities in the computer system. Internet Explorer might b...